Wednesday, March 10, 2004

so, i am @ wurk, and its mix weak. and teh students r suppose 2 bnring in fude 4 us at teh sound dept. last semeter alot of ppl brought in donuts, so all we had wuZ donuts and wile i liek donutes i dont liek taht many donuts. so i wuz hopefull they're wuld b better fude brougt in 2day.

except nonoe brouht in fude at all. tehre wuz 1 box of donuts taht was eatened when i got here, and some red lickorish, and i only liek black, and their wuz sum cookeys but they werent v. gude and taht wuz it. wut is up w/ that???// teh hole pt. of mix weak is taht teh students bring us fude. and their wuz no fude 2 b had.

stup[id students. we hates tehm.

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