Friday, December 12, 2003

omg that was a long wek. i had lotz of finals, and my grd. app. wuz doo 4 screenrighting, and it was mix wek in teh sound dept, so i had to mix. 4 (4) movies! but tehy werent 2 bad, realy. esp. teh undergrad films, witch were not as good soundtraks, so it didnt' take so long.

i cant wate 2 go home. altho i hav to read all teh lord of teh ring books and wach teh 1st 2 movyes before wedn. wen i go see rokt agan. w00t!1 it s a lot 2 get thru, but i tihnk i can do it.

Friday, December 05, 2003

omg!!11 bily boid is sooooo hott!! i cant beleve i got 2 b in teh same room w/him. i fel lik all my dremes hav cum truu.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

paprs suk, yo. i hat righting paprs.

Monday, December 01, 2003

turkeee day. turkey dai. oh how i <3 turkey dayee!!!!11.

4 serous.'

so, i am so use 2 jack, who is a tine kiten, & i go home and mr. pheonix (my other cat) looks gigantick! i was all, woah. mr. phoenicks is huge, he is the bigest cat i have ever scene in my hole life. omg wtf y is he so big?!?!? but, like, he's a reglar size cat, and jak is a kiten, so it makes sense. it wuz just wierd, u know?

i relized taht i only update foozes w/ litle updates, witch isnt realy fare to u, my readrs. u r just all foozes, but taht doesnt mene u sholdn't get 2 read about my lif. cuz we all now my live is so entertaining. lik taht time i walked in2 the big glas window in the scool's cafetaria, when i was reading, and then they had 2 put up a sine taht says; don't walk into teh glass, u fooz."

neways. yeah.