Friday, January 30, 2004

i wish i could try those contakts taht u leave in ur eyeballs 4 a hole month. i hat having to put in contakts ever morning, and take tehm out @nite. and almost every day, i end up rubing 1 ontact up undernethe my eylid, witch is so not kewl. u wuld tihnk i would lern not to rub my eyebals wen i have contakts in, but i dont learn tihngs fastly, so i keep doing it. and then teh world gets fuzzy, and they're is huge gigantick pain in my eyeball and i have to go 2 teh bathroom so i can look in the mirrer and pull my eyelid bak and find my contakt and push it bak down onto my eyebal and its such a pane. witch is y i'd liek teh contakts taht just stay inside ur eyebal all teht ime.

i baught some appls at teh store 2day. mmm, appels. their gude.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

i would just liek 2 pt. out taht rotk got eleven (12) nominatoins 2day 4 teh oscars!!!!!!!(#ofnoms). omgwtf i am sooooo exsited. asome. w00t!

altho shawn astin didnt get nomed. taht is sad. he should have. (wellk, so should have eligah wood and andy circus and mirando oughto, but wut r u going 2 do?0

Monday, January 26, 2004

im @work rite now. i wuz only suppose 2 work 1-4, but insted i am wurking 1-7, so it will b a long day, yo. teh guy who wuz suppose 2 wurk 4-7 ended up skeduling, like, a meeting during his worktime, r something, i dont now, so i told him i culd wurk his shift, 2. witch i can, and it mean i get more $$, but it menes taht i hav 2 work more, 2. its a tradeoff, y'no?

i hav 2 read "hart of darknes' 4 my righting class. ive only read 1pg, but it seems kinda boring so far. i like books with aleans and robots and monsters and, like, tohse kinds of thinks. there kewl.

ive decided taht while billeh is totaly my fake celebrety bf omgwtf, dom is pretty ky00t 2.

Friday, January 23, 2004

so 2day i got out my trustee calcyoulater and figured out how many mor weaks of skool we have left. 15-2=13omgwtf!!! tehn i tryed to figure out the %age, but i think i, lik, divided the rong #, cuz the calyoulater told me i had finished .04% of teh semster, and that doenst sound write.

i wuz riding my bike home from diskcussion secktion 2day and thougt of somthing 2 right about in fozzes, but i completly forgot about it. i should have ritten it down, but taht mite have been hard wile i was riding my bike. hee, witch reminds me, i was lisening 2 my music insted of wear i wuz riding my bike and i almost totaly ran into a lady on teh sidewalk. i had to swurve in2 teh grass and i bet i looked lik a fooz.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

omg. *~*thereloveissopure*~*~

Thursday, January 15, 2004

somtimes my sykology prof. is funy, sometims he is creeP. it is v. confuzing.

i have 2 do alot of reading 4 my history class. y do teacher tihnk taht we all have tyme to just sit arond and read all teh time? teh suk.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

2day i cam home & jak sparrow started puring b4 i even petted him. it made me feel all warm and fussy inside. witch is probly wut jak feels lik when he purrz.

Sunday, January 11, 2004

so, lik, 2day i did sum cleaning here in teh apt., witch wuz realy neccesary cuz i had piles of stuf everywehre. it wuz kinda sad. but tehn i made 1 big pyle so it looks much nycer, know.

i hop my clases r kewl tihs semster. u never know, tho. i now lenard matlin's class will be kewl, cuz i had it last yr. i hope we wach gude movie this wk. and not a bad movy. im aslo (r 2, if you perfer) taking into to sychology and hisstory of medevil civ. and my last righting class. bah, im kinda tired of writeing papers. after a wh8ile, tehy all seem 2 B teh same. lik, intro, theesis, blah blah paper blah concl. u know?

i got a tinee colar for jack taht has his name on teh tag. it say: "capt. jack sparrow." i payed, lik, 10$$ 4 teh coller and teh tag allt ogether. but it loks gneis. i think.

Saturday, January 10, 2004

xMas brake r0x0rD.