Thursday, June 23, 2005

omg w god w r u makeing teh ks so hott? it is leik u r trieing 2 bak teh mid west leik a cake r sumthin. omg, it wuz so hott yes terday taht i aktualy dyed for a min. but then i wuZ not ded and taht wuz gude, u no.?

capt jak sparow is hunting teh fish in r acuariyum rite now. he duznt understand y he cant get t hem wen he can see tehn thru teh glas.

heh, i just typed teh, and iam not a very gude typer so i zacksidentaly typed the. aha.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

stan! stan!!! stan!!!@

i <333333333 stan so mcuh omgwtf711 even tho is teh PRINCE OF TEH DARKNES. he wuz B4 his name in teh opening creditz so i didnt expect him (altho i shuld of cuz of potus) and so he come up on teh tv and i screme out "STAN!!!!!! and it wuz leik, so excite.

i wuz afraid i am going 2 cry, ppl.

Monday, March 14, 2005

so i just tiped tish big long post & bloger 8t it. bah.

porche D ross's eyebrows r 2 dark again. why she die them so drak?!? r, why she nto die then liter>?!

so we went 2 go see natl tresure this week end @ teh cheap movy theter, witch used 2 be a reglar movy theter, so it is neys inside. i like teh natl tresure, even tho it totly could not hapen in rl, but it was fun neways. shawn bean is so kewt, so hott, omg, i would totly marry him leik, wo.

lavra & me watch tony blare on cspan last nite. it was brit house of comons. he wuz wareing cuff linx, witch are v. atractive & a gude choyse. i leik waching tony blare talk. he is v. smart and v. good @ talking. he has kewt ears. i would totly marry him leik, wo.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

omg, we dont have NE fude in r house. all taht is in r frige is, leik, condom mints, and i cant jsut eat catchup u no!!!!!11 my famly has lots of condom mints, leik many kinds of OMGWTFBBQ sawses & saled dresings & sour creme ^ baconbitz n'stuf. witch u cant just eat.

i keap geting headaykes cuz i sit under floorSent lites all day. tehy suk alot. teh headaykes ii mean, altho aslo teh lites, i gess.

capt. jak is myowing @me cuz he wants more fude. hes going 2B a fatcat, yo. not leik a gangsteer w/pin strype soots r NEthing, but leik a cat taht is fat. cuz he eats alot. of cat fude.

(he he, i tiped this up in mircosoft wurd, & it underlines all most every singel wurd in read sqigglys aha cuz its all speled rong WUT EVA MIRCOSOFT I WONT LISEN 2 TEH MAN!!!!!@@ I CAN SPEL THING HOWEVA I WANT CUZ I RULZ TEH HOLE INTANET!!!1

sike, i dont actully pwn teh hole intanet, altho taht wuld be kewl. if i did, i wuld change my name 2 B leik british ppl, who have teh hypehns in there names, leik helen bonam-carter and camill parker-bowls. Xcept i wuld make up my pwn name. leik, "ASOME" shannon ASOME-pestock. that wuld be asome. (i thoght of tihs cuz i wuz redeing fametraker 2day & they were tlaking about katherine zeta jones & how know she has a hiphen but how she didnt use 2 and how she didnt even use to have zeta its leik her grandmas name r sumthing. i <333 famtracker.


Thursday, January 20, 2005

i h8 marshal omg he is liek satin.